I personally never felt so disgusted with this newspaper before....... but this was heights.....
They published this news of people renting out their wife in areas Gujarat. For long Gujarat have had a large number of Tribes (Bedia to name one) who are traditional prostitute. Sex trade is now wearing a different mask, thanks to female infanticide and feoticide, and men are allowing their wives to be a wife of another man, belonging to upper caste, on a monthly rental. And we thought indecent proposal was indecent.
So far so good but what makes this news paper disgusting to me? They complimented this news with an 'item number' a cartoon.
[Disclaimer] Am uploading here the screenshot of that cartoon taken from the E paper site of that daily, as I couldn't figure out how to link the e paper news item.
Did you smile at that Cartoon? You should coz its meant to be funny.