This is my mind

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Extract from a mail I posted on a Google Group

I always wonder why do we have such a short memory and why do we care so less......

when terror attacks we run........we run for our lives...our own many times have we run for others... we live in our happy world as long as we are safe.....we only react when our lives are affected......well am talking of majority of us

We as a nation stand at such a critical position today.....we have economy which is rising we have 81 million citizen (which includes my sweeper guy) using mobile phones we have cheaper cars and computers.. we have world's highest rate of female infanticide, feticide...we still burn wives, we have murderers and rapists going scot free, we have politicians who are ambassadors of communalism, we have dance of death everywhere around........a human life just don't mean anything.........the list goes on

What can we do? The least we can do is show our concern, empathy, care in every possible way we can....when you care about some incident talk about it... spread the word... Actually Talk and don't just write group emails and blogs......... Let your action show that you care... I ask how many of us had a black diwali and a colorless holi in remembrance of what happened in Godhra, Gujrat, the Tsunami, the Katrina.... when a family member passess away we don't celebrate festivals for a year, right?? Let's assume we are all members of one big family...humanity...

If a couple of hundred odd members of this/yahoo/etc. groups don't celebrate a particular festival.......say holi.... a thousand of their friends and family will ask them "why not celebrate?" You then explain them to them about why not.....thus would be built a conscience

I partied yesterday with my friends....lots of drinks and dance....... i also planned out a forthcoming holi bash........ but hope some day i will be brave enough to step outta my safe and happy world and face the truth.... which is scary....

I wish some day we all are brave enough to sacrifice a little something of ours for the cause of something that happened thousands of miles away........ geographically, socially etc.

No crusader

PS. I proposed a series of March for Jessica starting from this sunday...chalked out a proper plan and posted on 3 yahoo groups i follow........ I got in all 4 responses....

Saturday, March 04, 2006

A mail I posted to 3 yahoo groups.... proposing a protest March for Jessica... I got in all 4 responses.
This is Regarding the Jessica Lal Murder case...posting this message to all
the Yahoo group I follow........
"The legal experts say that her family members cannot even ask for a retrial
themselves. Is that correct, Sanjukta?"
Yes, that's correct. As per criminal jurisprudence a crime is committed not
against the victim but aganist the State, which represents the society at
large. The victim or his/her family has no personal interest in a criminal
case. A criminal prosecution is initiated by the State and the victim has no
option of either initiating or withdrawing a criminal prosecution. That being
so an application for Review of judgment or Retrial is only to be given by the

Also to be noted here is that fact that Retrial is not really a possibility
since we have the legal principle that "no person should be tried twice for the
same offence" Reinvestigation is a possibility here.
All news channels, radio channels and I am sure many others are trying to
pitch in, to somehow get justice to the wronged party"
What are we doing? I am thinking let's have a protest march, not a very
tiring or time consuming one........... just gotta show we
know like those IHC walks..........and not just one........a series of march
till something constructive happens to the case...the objective being to
pursue the state to seek a retrial/reinvestigation/appeal....

we can start this sunday from say Supreme Court..............followed by each
sunday at different venues...........The message is simple and is addressed to
Supreme Court............

"We all know this is injustice, now please do something to bring justice
back...there must be some way"

Venue needs to be different so that passerby of different areas gets the
message and if willing can join hands.............we will need some posters and
banners carrying the message......

Let's team up with all other groups we
etc. also include our freinds and family.................we can also do it like
a relay... everybody need not be present in all the march...........the idea is
to keep following up with the case..............not just forget about

Lemme know what you all think about it. Raise hands those who are in
Suggestion and counter ideas most welcome...........
