We the SARI/Q Good Practice Action Research team are doing a Good Practice Research Study. A good practice is a practice which is tested and proven practice yeilding excellent results in the Development Sector. Its like we pick a topic, say child sexual Abuse, we look at the entire universe of the organisation, Government, Non Government we study each of these NGO activities. Shortlist some organisation and study them more deeply...test their practices on various bench marks and principles (like results, readiness, replicability). Finally we stamp a particular practice as a good practice, document it, disseminate it and also at times fund the replication of such practices by other NGOs.
For CSA (child sexual abuse) I was gathering information on one "Abhudaya Ashrama". It took me more than a week to find out the contact details of the place. The so called popular internet database of NGOs gave no search results, google gave results but not the contact details.
Anyway as a final step of the study a site visit is done to the organisation. The result of this site visit as we have in hand is that there is no good practice to be replicated. (well the results are not final yet, we are still working on it...lets see. A lot will depend on our coordinator and people above her)
Abhudaya Ashrama is a residential school run by Ram Sanehi of Morena District, Madhya Pradesh. Abour 6 districts in MP have families who are involved in community based traditional prostitution (Bedia, Bachada, Kanjar, Sansi) where the man of the household does not work, the birth of girl child is celebrated only cause she would be the earning member. At best the men in these communities act as pimps for their sisters or daughters. Ram Sanehi has dedicated his entire life fighting against this tradition.
Find out how here http://ambedkar.org/News/hl/Backto.htm
By establishing this "Ashrama" he has made education as a weapon to fight against the tradition. He wants all the children of these communities to be educated. But the ashrama is running into debts, they have to turn away the children who come for admission. For various reasons the activities are not very appealing to a critique's eye.. (I am only giving my opinion here and nobody esle's I might be very wrong and apologise in advance for that)
It would be such an irony if good work by an individual goes unnoticed. So I thought I would just spread the story of Ram Sanehi of Morena...
One way we can contribute our bit is by talking about an issue on all possible occassion, gathering etc... Say it out loud and clear.